Beginner-Friendly Brush Pen Calligraphy Course

Discover the art of elegant brush pen calligraphy and unleash your creativity with this beginner-friendly course that focuses on narrow brush tips. Master fluid strokes and create stunning letterforms while exploring the world of modern calligraphy.
Instructor : Devyani Luharuka
Duration : 2 hrs
Language : English Hindi
Certificate provided
About the Course
Basic brushpen calligraphy classes offer an introduction to the art of calligraphy. Students will learn the fundamentals of pen holding, posture, and basic drills, before moving on to small alphabets, word formation, spacing, capital alphabets, and phrase writing. With practical exercises and step-by-step guidance, students can develop the skills needed to create beautiful and personalized handwritten works of art.
01 Introduction
- The Introduction
- Different types of brushpens
- Different types of guideline sheets
- The Right Guidelines and Tools for Narrow Brushpen
- Narrow Brushpen guideline pdf
- Narrow brushpen clickable link
- The Right Grip and Posture
- The right position of paper
02 Let's get started
- Basic Drills
- Assignment 1
- Basic Drills to Alphabets
03 Small Alphabets
- Before we begin with the alphabets
- Small Alphabets Group 1
- Assignment for group 1
- Group 2 small alphabets
- Assignment for group 2
- Small Alphabets Group 3
- Group 4
- Assignment for group 4
- Important before you proceed further
04 Spacing and word formation
- Spacing and Word formation
- Assignment
05 Capital Alphabets
- Capital letters A-F
- Capital Letters assignment 1
- Capital letters G-M
- Capital Letters Assignment 2
- Capital Alphabets N-T
- Capital Letters assignment 3
- Capital Alphabets U-Z
- Capital Letters assignment 4
- Phrases in brushpen calligraphy
06 Contact us in case of doubts
- Contact us in case of doubts